
Showing posts from January, 2022

Bsc Hons Fashion Marketing

This unit enables independent, action-based learning; working in a team to develop a new fashion business proposition. Projects facilitate the development of key professional skills , employability and entrepreneurial attributes. This unit enables students to further develop their critical skills and research interests, contextualising and analyzing key issues and shifts in the domain of Fashion. This unit builds on and extends the knowledge and skills developed in Fashion Cultures 1. The pressures on managers and leaders in today’s complex organisations are immense. The emphasis on performance, efficiency and effectiveness together with the global competition for managerial jobs places a premium on managerial and leadership skills. This module introduces some of the latest ideas in the field whilst simultaneously evaluating them from a practical, ethical and international perspective. Students will explore the role of power in organisations and critically evaluate how power and inf

Undergraduate Degree Courses

If students wish to print more, printer credit can be topped up by the student. The University and Student Union are champions of sustainability and we ask all our students to consider the environmental impact before printing. Our Reprographics team also offer printing and binding services, including dissertation binding which may be required by your course with an indicative cost of £1.50-£3. Computer Science Meng There are fee implications if a student chooses to undertake a placement . A degree typically comprises 360 credits, a DipHE 240 credits, a CertHE 120 credits, and an integrated masters 480 credits. The tuition fee for the placement year for those courses that offer this option is £1,850, subject to inflationary increases based on government policy and providing you progress through the course in the normal timeframe . The tuition fee for the study year abroad for those courses that offer this option is £1,385, subject to inflationary increases based on government policy